
连动句与了 连动句 and 了, serial verb construction and the use of 了

Ok, 我去超市买了几斤水果 is an example of a 连动句, which is a serial-verb sentence. Ok, there are many types of 连动句 but the relevant one's are like this, in sentences like this one with serial-verb construction the 了 must be places after the second verb, in this case 买, and not after the first verb, in this case 去。

This a rule you may or may not have figured out along the way, but this is how it is. Now I know the range of the term 'verb' is fairly broad in chinese so don't think too hard about this, what you need to know is that sentences with fairly normal verbs, like the one above have this sort of rule, as for other types, I don't know and I'm not going to look into it now.


